A pastel coloured morning in Ticino, Switzerland

Switzerland Collection

I have by far not spent as much time in Switzerland that I would have loved to, but when I did, it was stunning. The swiss alps are one of a kind, and the feeling of being sourrounded by mountains like that is unique. Here’s to many more adventures in this small yet stunning country, …

Sunset in San Vincente de la Barquera in Cantabria, Spain

Light Collection

Light is the most important factor for any photographer, and every photographer will know that there are a million different kinds of light. To me, the best light shows happen in nature and I love to witness and capture them. The Light Collection is dedicated to those little yet grand moments where the light just …

Refuge Baysellance, the highest manned refuge in the Pyrenees

Adventure Collection

The adventure collection is a visual representation of my long-distance hiking adventure in the Pyrenees. For six weeks, I was out in the French Pyrenees, hiking 600km and over 30.000 meters in altitude from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. A movie about this extraordinary trip is currently in the making, but here are …